Physics – Free Online JAMB CBT Practice quiz 2024

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1 / 61

A man will exert the greatest pressure when he?

2 / 61

Which of the units of the following physical quantities are derived?

II. Thrust
III. Pressure
IV. Mass


3 / 61

The slope of the straight line displacement-time graph indicates?


4 / 61

A ball of mass 0.5kg moving at 10ms−1 collides with another ball of equal mass at rest. If the two balls move off together after the impact, calculate their common velocity.


5 / 61

The motion of a body is simple harmonic if the?

6 / 61

Which of the following is not correct about the molecules of a substance in a gaseous state. They?


7 / 61

A given mass of gas has a pressure of 80 Nm–² at a temperature of 47 C. If the temperature is reduced to 27 C with volume remaining constant, the new pressure is?


8 / 61

0.5kg of water at 10ºC is completely converted to ice at 0ºC by extracting (88000) of heat from it. If the specific heat capacity of water is 4200jkg¹ Cº. Calculate the specific latent heat of fusion of ice.


9 / 61

Which of the following instruments may be used to measure relative humidity?

10 / 61

A source of sound produces waves in air of wavelength 1.65m. If the speed of sound in air is 330ms−¹, the period of vibration in air is?

11 / 61

A boy standing some distance from the foot of a tall cliff claps his hands and hears an echo 0.5s later. If the speed of sound is 340ms–¹, how far is he from the cliff?


12 / 61

Which of the following is not a vector quantity?

13 / 61

Calculate the heat energy required to vaporize 50g of water initially at 80ºC if the specific heat capacity of water is 4.23jg–¹k–¹ (specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2260jg–¹


14 / 61

In a series R-L-C circuit at resonance, the voltages across the resistor and the inductors are 30V and 40V respectively. What is the voltage across the capacitor?


15 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

16 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

17 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

18 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

19 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

20 / 61

If the frequency of an emitted x-ray is 1.6 x 10¹⁶ Hz, the accelerating potential is?

21 / 61

If the fraction of the atoms of a radioactive material left after 120 years is 1/64, what is the half-life of the material?

22 / 61

A certain radioactive source emits radiation that was found to be deflected by both magnetic and electric fields. The radiation is?

23 / 61

The inner diameter of a test tube can be measured accurately using a?


24 / 61

Two bodies have masses in the ratio 3:1. They experience forces which impart to them, acceleration in the ratio 2:9 respectively. Find the ratio of forces the masses experienced


25 / 61

Particles of mass 10–² kg is fixed to the tip of a fan blade which rotates with angular velocity of 100rad–¹. If the radius of the blade is 0.2m, the centripetal force is?


26 / 61

A lead bullet of mass 0.05kg is fired with a velocity of 200ms–¹ into a block of mass 0.95kg. Given that the lead block can move freely, the final kinetic energy after impact is?

27 / 61

A ball of mass 0.1kg is thrown vertically upwards with a speed of 10ms−¹ from the top of a tower 10m high. Neglecting air resistance, its total energy just before hitting the ground is? (Take g = 10ms−²)


28 / 61

A car of mass 800kg attains a speed of 25m/s in 20secs. The power developed in the engine is?


29 / 61

If the stress on a wire is 10⁷NM–² and the wire is stretched from its original length of 10.00m to 10.05m. The young's modulus of the wire is?

30 / 61

A solid weighs 10.00N in air, 6N when forcefully immersed in water, and 7.0N when fully immersed in a liquid, X. Calculate the relative density of the liquid X.


31 / 61

When the temperature of a liquid increases, its surface tension

32 / 61

A gas at a volume of V(base 0)!in a container at pressure p(base 0) is compressed to one-fifth of its volume. What will be its pressure if the magnitude of its original temperature T is constant?

33 / 61

A piece of substance of specific heat capacity 450Jkg−¹k¹ falls through a vertical distance of 20m from rest. Calculate the rise in temperature of the substance on hitting the ground when all its energies are converted into heat. [g = 10ms–²]

34 / 61

  1. A liquid boils when its saturated vapor pressure is equal to the external pressure
  2. Dissolved substances in pure water lead to an increase in the boiling point.

III. When the external pressure is increased, the boiling point increases.

  1. Dissolved substances in pure water decreases the boiling point 

Which of the above combinations are peculiarities of the boiling point of a liquid?

35 / 61

  1. A liquid boils when its saturated vapor pressure is equal to the external pressure
  2. Dissolved substances in pure water lead to an increase in the boiling point.

III. When the external pressure is increased, the boiling point increases.

  1. Dissolved substances in pure water decreases the boiling point 

Which of the above combinations are peculiarities of the boiling point of a liquid?

36 / 61

  1. A liquid boils when its saturated vapor pressure is equal to the external pressure
  2. Dissolved substances in pure water lead to an increase in the boiling point.

III. When the external pressure is increased, the boiling point increases.

  1. Dissolved substances in pure water decreases the boiling point 

Which of the above combinations are peculiarities of the boiling point of a liquid?

37 / 61

The temperature gradient across a copper rod of thickness 0.02m, maintained at two temperature junctions of 20º and 80ºC respectively is?

38 / 61

The equation of a wave traveling along the positive x-direction is given by; y = 0.25 x 10−³ sin (500t - 0.025x). Determine the angular velocity of the wave motion. 


39 / 61

If a sound wave goes from a cold air region to a hot air region, its wavelength will?


40 / 61

The lowest note emitted by a stretched string has a frequency of 40Hz. How many overtones are there between 40Hz and 180Hz?

41 / 61

A man stands 4m in front of a plane mirror. If the mirror is moved 1m towards the man, the distance between him and his new image is?

42 / 61

A 2H inductor has negligible resistance and is connected to a 50/π Hz A.C supply. The reactance of the inductor is?


43 / 61

A few grains of table salt were put in a cup of cold water, kept at constant temperature and left undistributed. Eventually all the water tested salty. This action is due to?


44 / 61

The force required to make an object of mass m, travelling with velocity v, turn in a circle of radius r is

45 / 61

A machine gun with a mass of 5kg fires a 50g bullet at a speed of 100 ms−¹. The recoil speed of the machine gun is 


46 / 61

If in a simple pendulum experiment the length of the inextensible string is increased by a factor of four, its period is increased by a factor of?


47 / 61

In what range of temperature is the expansion of water anomalous?

48 / 61

Which of the following statements about radioactivity is true?

(i) Alpha particle is positively charged

(ii) Beta particle is negatively charged

(iii) Gamma ray is neutral

(iv) Beta particle has the same mass as helium atom

(v) Gamma ray is charged.


49 / 61


In the study of Physics, temperature and heat are often confused with each other. Which of the following statements correctly defines these two elements?

50 / 61

The effect of closing the key K in the circuit shown in the figure above would be to?


51 / 61

Natural radioactivity consists of emission?

52 / 61

Which of the following statements on the use of X-rays is incorrect? X-rays are used

53 / 61

If a source of solid is moving, a stationary listener will hear a sound of different frequency. This is called?


54 / 61

Which of the following can be described as high tension transmission? 

55 / 61

What is the cost of running five 50W lamps and four 100W lamps for 10 hours if electrical energy costs 2 Kobo per KWh?


56 / 61

The mass of a proton is approximately equal to that of 

57 / 61

The mass of a proton is approximately equal to that of 

58 / 61

A transformer has 300 turns of wire in the primary coil and 30 turns in the secondary coil. If the input voltage is 100 volts, the output voltage is 


59 / 61

A solid weighs 4.8g in air, 2.8g in water and 3.2g in Kerosine. The ratio of density of the solid to that of the kerosine is 

60 / 61

One of the following readings represents the measurement of the length of a metal rod using vernier callipers. Taking the reading accuracy into consideration, the most likely one is 

61 / 61

When a sound wave passes from air into water its

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