10 compulsory topics of English Language in WAEC 

There are some compulsory subjects that are common with every WAEC candidate, they include English language and mathematics. Then, there are compulsory topics of English Language in WAEC as well.

In the English language, some topics are constant in the WAEC examination. Proper knowledge of these topics of the English language is a big boost to the candidate’s chances of passing the English language with flying colours.

compulsory topics of English Language in WAEC

The importance of the English language in the WAEC examination

 There are some reasons why the English language is a very important subject in the WAEC examination. The reasons include:

  1. The English language is the official language of the member countries, whose citizens sit for the prestigious WAEC examination.
  2. The English language is a required subject for many purposes, such as employment and educational purposes.

These two reasons outlined above are among the chief reasons, why knowledge of the English language is very important, because every WAEC candidate, irrespective of his chosen field of work or course of study will still need at least a credit (or a pass) in the English language.

The compulsory topics of English Language

For a WAEC candidate to pass the English language WAEC examination, there are some topics that are regular or integral in the English language syllabus of the WAEC examination. 

Those topics appear in every WAEC English language examination from year to year, so they have been compiled, so that WAEC candidates can easily access them and study them well, to increase their chances of passing the English language.

The top 10 compulsory topics of English language in the WAEC examination include:

  1. Summary writing
  2. Essay writing
  3. Lexis and structure: The Lexis as a major topic has some subtopics under its wings, they include:
  4. Vowels (Diphthongs and monophthongs)
  5. Consonants
  6. Rhymes (Homophones)
  7. Word stress (Monosyllables and polysyllables).
  8. Intonation
  9. Formal and informal letter
  10. Phrases and clauses.

NB: Under Lexis and structure, we have sub-topics such as:

  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Homonyms
  • Clause and sentence patterns
  • Word classes and their functions.
  • Comprehension
  • Use of speech
  • Punctuation and spelling
  • Mood, tense, aspect, number, concord, degree, and question tags.
  • Verbs and verbal formation.
  • Differentiating between the consonant types.
  • Oral English (Including vowel and consonant sounds).

Things to note about English language examination in WAEC

There are three sections in the English language examination. They include:

  1. Objective (Section I)
  2. Theory (Section II)
  3. Oral English section (Section III)

In the first section of the English language examination, you will be tasked with going through and providing correct answers for a total of 100 answers. This section is usually multiple choice objective questions. 

In the second section, the theory section; candidates will be tasked with writing strings of words, and that may come in form of articles, essays, and letter writing. This is a very important aspect of the English language examination.

Every student knows which writing they can do best, so it’s advisable that every WAEC candidate stick to their strength, and avoid their weaknesses.

In the last section of the English language examination, one of the most controversial topics of the English language will be treated: oral English. This aspect tests a candidate’s grasp of the English language, ranging from rhymes to syllables, and covers subtopics such as phonetic symbols, intonation, vowel sounds,  and consonant sounds

Recommended textbooks for effective learning of English language for WAEC

The need for suitable study materials for the study of the English language cannot be underestimated, based on how important the subject is to candidates and their potential future careers.

The recommended materials for learning English language include:

  1. Modern English
  2. Essential English

These two textbooks are two of the most common English textbooks that are used in secondary schools, which makes them the most popular choice among tutors and students alike. 

Extra tips to boost knowledge of English language topics

  1. Candidates are advised to cultivate the habit of making use of the dictionary whenever they are reading so that they can easily look up strange words, and improve their knowledge of topics such as antonyms and synonyms.
  2. Candidates are encouraged to also cultivate the habit of reading literature books, or articles at their leisure or dedicated study period. The reading of literature books or articles tends to improve general control of the English language, which will reflect through writing, use of idioms, and general use of grammar.
  3. Browsing or looking up books written by experts in oral English may go a long way in improving the knowledge of oral English. Oral English is a section or topic of the English language where students struggle a lot because they are not familiar with its official usage. Engaging materials that treat oral English may help improve candidates’ grip on oral English.

Frequently asked questions about compulsory topics of English language

Where do these topics of the English language occur the most in the WAEC examination?

The topics of the English language, which were highlighted in this article are important topics of English language, and they are sprinkled across the objective and theory sections of the English language. They are not limited to any section of the English language.

Are they any other topic of the English language that is common in the WAEC examination?

Yes. The above-listed topics are the most important and common topics of the English language in the WAEC examination, but this doesn’t rule out the occurrence of some topics which are as important as the above-mentioned topics. 
An example of a topic that is important in the English language examination, but not included in the list is:
• Formation of words, which includes synonyms, antonyms, prefixes, suffixes, direct and indirect speeches.

Getting a credit in the English language is one of the most common requirements for most academic establishments in English-speaking countries of west Africa.

To pass the English language in the WAEC examination, there are some compulsory topics of English Language that are inevitably present in every edition of the WAEC examination. 

Good knowledge of those topics of the English language is essential for any candidate who wishes to reach the minimum requirement of getting credit in the English language for the WAEC examination.

Candidates are being advised to study those topics, as they are a proven pathway to passing the English language in WAEC.

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